Enhancements in E-Way Bill Form Following are the enhancements done in the E-Way Bill generation Form: 1. Display of only relevant document types in “Document Type” drop down list based on the selected Transaction “Supply Type” and “Sub Type” by the tax payers. 2. Auto-population of state name based on the pin code entered at consignor and consignee addresses. 3. Standard rates for tax are provided in the drop down list for selection based on the type (intrastate/ inter-state) transactions. 4. Additional fields for “CESS Non Advol Amount” & “Other Value” have been introduced to enter CESS Non Advol amount and any other charges (+/-) written in invoice. 5. Alerting the generator of the E-Way Bill through SMS message, in case the total invoice value is more than Rs. 10 Crores. 6. Transporter ID is made compulsory for generating Part-A slip. CLICK BELOW LINK TO DOWNLOAN........ https://docs.ewaybillgst.gov.in/Documents/EWBforthcomingchanges_new.pdf E-...
Showing posts from October, 2018